Copper Anti-Seize

16 ounce jar with brush top
Also available 12 per case (AN-108-12)
This exclusively formulated colloidal copper compound effectively “copper plates” mating surfaces. Use with cast iron, steel, stainless steel, nickel, copper, brass, titanium, non-metallic gasketing materials and plastic.
- Saves time, mating surfaces join easier, faster and hold better.
- Prevents seizing and galling of threaded surfaces.
- Reduces costly stud breakage and down time.
- Reduces torque by reducing friction.
Friction coefficient of 0.10 on steel nuts and bolts. Prevents rust and corrosion. Will not harden after heat-aging. Leaves no abrasive residue.
Service temperature: -65°F to 1800°F (-54°C to 982°C).